Micro-earning. The future of web3??

in LeoFinancelast year

Only the earliest adopters will make the big money.

Ref: TheOguide.com

It's hard to pinpoint exactly where we are on this graph. I would think that we have past the innovators zone and are in the early stages of the early adaptors segment. Some people might argue that we have past this too but most of the tech behind crypto and blockchain is still so far form user friendly that the majority of people haven't touched it.

The earliest innovators behind all of this tech have already made their money. As the early adaptors here now, we stand to do the same if we back the right crypto's. This is still in the zone where I expect people to make large numbers. 100x on their original investments. Life changing money. Money like backing Facebook or Instagram in the earliest days while everything was still being built.

You can still invest in these companies now but their price is so high and so steady that there are minimal gains to be had.

There are gatekeepers to all of the existing platforms and services. People who say whether you are allowed to make money or not. If it's content, there are moderators that decide who can post what. If it's sales there are terms and agreements that you must follow to take part. The money is very structured and while some of the top earners make a lot of money. The lions share goes back to the top guys in the company and it's shareholders. The early investors. These are the people who make the most from any project and the rest of us are left to beg at their table.

Crypto will follow the same path.

If @leofinance goes to $10, who stands to benefit the most?

Just look at the rich list and see who has the most tokens. Your earliest adopters and stakeholders. Myself included thankfully. Not everybody will hold to the end and some people can still buy in at a low price but those days are fast reaching the end. If the token price is $1 next year then we have already had a 50x. And to reach $10 there is only 10x from there. I've bought a lot of LEO but I've also earned a lot too. My delegation of 20K Hive power used to earn 200 LEO a day. Now it's 28. That was a huge advantage over the next wave of users. Sure the price is higher now but I've already got the tokens in my wallet, gaining in value.

At $10 I will be able to live form the curation rewards alone. That's the benefit that comes form being early in any project.

So what is left for the majority of users?

This is where micro earning comes into play. Most people wont be part of the early adopters for any project. Very few are.

What they will be able to do is earn small amounts from multiple sources. If the normal user can earn $10 per week from their app isn't that a great result? If they can do this from 5 apps isn't it a nice bonus to their wages? I think so. $50 a week would be $2600 for the year. You can do a lot with that kind of money. Especially if it's earned form doing what you are doing every day anyway.

This will be the main difference between legacy apps and the next wave of crypto backed apps.

  • Instead of using twitter you use Leo threads. $10 from commenting and threading.
  • Instead of tracking your Fitbit you post @Actifit posts. $10 from hitting your steps.
  • Instead of browsing Instagram you are on @liketu. $10 from comments and posts.
  • Instead of playing free games on your phone. $10 from @splinterlands for earnings.
  • Instead of going on Youtube you use @3speak. $10 from commenting and posting videos.

It doesn't take much of a stretch to see this happening.
The tech isn't quite ready for large scale adoption yet but now is the time for early adopters to position themselves to make the big money. Then when the rest of the people join the party they can take part in the micro earning culture that we will see formed around a crypto payment system and tokenized rewards.

It's up to the apps now to build a seamless web2 experience so that users can join in the next phase of growth. Easy onboarding, simple interfaces and generate enough revenue to to fund their tokens. If it's easy and fun then people will come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I think many will do well with micro earning if they happen to miss the chance of being an early adopter. For early adopters, picking a few winning crypto projects and going all in on them will financially set them for life when mass adoption eventually happens. This is probably an opportunity of a lifetime.

Value is being added constantly through all the development taking place. I chose to hold onto my Hive and reach the 100K HP target first before I start delegating out. This should be later this year as it won't be long now. 20K HP is like sacrificing 5 Hive every day through curation earnings so I hope Leo does reach those targets.

That's true.
I cancelled my delegation last week after hitting 100k.

Time to get back to basics and stack up more hive.

Value is being added constantly through all the development taking place. I chose to hold onto my Hive and reach the 100K HP target first before I start delegating out. This should be later this year as it won't be long now. 20K HP is like sacrificing 5 Hive every day through curation earnings so I hope Leo does reach those targets.

I think because we are on here most days, surrounded by Crypto knowledgeable heads, we forget that although most of the people we know,know what Crypto is few actively use it and almost know earn like we do.

I'm seeing new users enter the system and do really well right from the start, which makes people hang around moreso than back in the day when those first posts earned nothing.

I wonder where the eco system and coin price will be in 5 years??

Will we still be around $0.30 to $0.40 or will we be over $1? I reckon we will be around $2 per Hive personally, which I'd gladly take. If we continue to grow and retain all of it, we'd be pretty rich, at least on paper.