Why do we turn up every day?

in LeoFinance10 months ago

Why do you turn up for your job every day?

I turn up because it gives me money. And whether we like it or not, money is vital in life.

I could give up all of the nice things in life, the house, the car, the holidays, the nights out but life would be a lot less interesting.

The hippie life works for some but i couldn't go all in for it. I like the idea of a simple life, no debt, spend very little and have a good and happy life but it has a few downsides for me.

I like having a nice house and a nice car.

Sure there are people who live form social welfare and never do anything with their lives but it's just not me. I enjoy working and accomplishing things.

I enjoy having a reason to get up in the morning and to show my kids how to life a fulfilling life.

This doesn't necessarily mean working a 9-5 all of my life but it does mean having a purpose. A reason to get going every day and tasks to accomplish.

I turn up to work everyday because they pay me but i work every day for my own growth.

The hours I've used up growing my hive balance and hive account breaks down to cents on the hour over six years. I know that but it gives me a purpose to turn up every day.

To earn Hive tokens by one means or another. To keep growing my accounts and hit the next milestone.

To some people it might seem crazy putting so many hours into something with so little reward but it means more than that.

I turn up every day in the hope of Hive hitting $10. In the hope of changing my life somewhere down the line. I know that it's not going to happen this year but it could happen at some stage if people keep working towards it.

But even if that never happens there are so many other benefits to being part of a large progressive community like hive.

It's nice to be part of something bigger than yourself. Stiving as a group to change the outcome.

It's the same reason that people play sports. They want to win at something. As a group of people they want to hit targets and win at life.

It's human nature.

We want to win.
We want to have accomplishments.
We want to have a good life.
We want to make others look up and say well done.

It's why we turn up every day and don't just give up on life.
Some people give up but it's nothing to be proud of and over time they will regret it as they get left behind while others succeed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I turn up every day in the hope of Hive hitting $10. In the hope of changing my life somewhere down the line. I know that it's not going to happen this year but it could happen at some stage if people keep working towards it.

The usual admirable honesty Niall.

People say other things sometimes, but ultimately if you break it down that is why the vast majority are here. I do enjoy interacting and have met loads of cool people and learned lots about various things. But if you take away the financial benefit and stacking Hive, would I be here every day? No, I would not. Would I stop using Hive altogther? No I would not, but I would probably only log in sporadically when I need advise or a steer on something where I know that there are some good experts here.

You are right about pennies to the hour on the time we have invested here, but I hold out hope for €4 Hive some day, it's not beyond the bounds at all, especially in Crypto.

I'm lucky that the things that make me the most I don't have to work that much, they all side hustles compared to my 8-5, few years ago I decided to open my own IT business and everything was great until I face that I cant be alone for too long, working from home is not for me, started to get depress, stop going out, so I decided I would never stop having an 8-5 because , essentially that's what keeps me going every day, staying busy and active, beside I don't feel my 8-5 is really a "job" I enjoy it a lot but there are some rough days / weeks even

220K upvotes, which shows how long you've being around.

The main idea is to always stick to the goal, by taking all the necessary steps daily. Growth might be slow, results might be small, but the goal is much bigger.

A day must definitely come where hive would hit $10, but what've gathered before that time matters a lot.

Thanks for sharing.

It’s always best to find our purpose on hive and in life, especially one that will serve as a catalyst to making us get up everyday and keep taking consistent action.

Giving up is never an option if we want to win at all cost and it’s what I tell people nowadays, that if their purpose isn’t getting them to tackle activity with their full potential then it’s time to find another one. One that will always keep the fire burning and enable us a individual and a community to keep showing up daily.

Thanks for sharing this. Have a great day ahead

To earn Hive tokens by one means or another. To keep growing my accounts and hit the next milestone.

I share the same thought and we can not compare working on with instant rewards. Its much more valuable in long term and this is why I think showing up every day is important. Overall we can not have calculations every day.. Its just that keep on doing everyday and its part of daily routine now.

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